Terrifying Botany
- Dendrocnide moroides. "It is the most virulent species of stinging tree". Virulent species of stinging tree‽ Australia is terrifying.
Sometimes Terrifying Zoology
- The Ark In Space. "A compendium of creatures"
Grabcad: "Free 3D CAD models from a community of mechanical engineers". The licensing rules are not immediately apparent.
- Command Line tool lists
- SparkleShare: "an Open Source (self hosted) file synchronisation and collaboration tool and is available for Linux distributions, Mac, and Windows."
Blogging/Internet Discussion
"Danger Will Robinson". Primarily for "Oppression is deeply connected to our need to protect." Really damn insightful statement, I think.
The Top Saved Comments and Posts of Reddit. Mmmm, meta.
"How I Learned to Check Mine Instead of Making Fun of People’s Grammar on the Internet"
The Morning News. "n online magazine of essays, art, humor, and culture published weekdays since 1999. In addition to our features, each day includes our morning and afternoon headlines, with links to the most interesting news items, articles, and oddities around the web."
Civil Liberties
Oscillofun: Music that, with an oscilloscope, is its own music video
Solidoodle: 800 dollar 3D printer
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